
Dr Manish Gupta is an orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in the upper limb including that of elbow conditions and injuries.

Golfers Elbow

The condition “golfer’s elbow” (medial epicondylits) is an injury to the tendons of the inner elbow which are mainly used when flexing the wrist, as when gripping a golf club.

Elbow Arthritis

Elbow arthritis, or osteoarthritis of the elbow, typically occurs in the over 55’s who have been suffering elbow pain on and off for many years.

Elbow Dislocation

Elbow dislocation commonly refers to hyper-extension or over straightening injury, forcing apart the bones back of the elbow.

Distal Biceps Tear

A distal biceps tendon rupture refers to a complete tear of the biceps tendon at the elbow.

Radial Head Fracture

Radial head fractures of the elbow most commonly affect women between the age of 30-40 years and account for up to 20% of all immediate onset elbow injuries.

Tennis Elbow

The condition “tennis elbow” (lateral epicondylits) is an injury to the tendons of the outer elbow which are mainly used when extending our wrist, as when using a tennis racket. .